Custom safetyGraphics Workflows

The safetyGraphics R package now supports custom workflows allowing users to preload their own charts and data sets in the safetyGraphics Shiny Application. The best way to learn more is the new Custom Workflows vignette - which has been briefly summarized below.

The new v1.1 release of safetyGraphics is available now on CRAN.

Loading data

Loading data in to the app is easy! Just run safetyGraphicsApp(loadData=TRUE) to preload all data.frames from your current R session in a new instance of the safetyGraphics Shiny app.

Loading Charts

Loading custom charts is just slightly more complex. There are 4 steps required to create a custom chart for use in safetyGraphics:

  1. Create custom chart code
  2. Add new settings to the app (if needed)
  3. Add the chart to the app
  4. Initialize the app

For example, to create a trivially simple custom chart, make a file called customSettings.R with the following code:

# Step 1 - Write custom chart code 
helloWorld <- function(data,settings){
  plot(-1:1, -1:1)
  text(runif(20, -1,1),runif(20, -1,1),"Hello World")

# Step 2 - Initialize Custom Settings 
# Not Applicable!

# Step 3 - Initialize the custom chart 
  label=”Hello World”, 

Then initialize the app (Step 4) by running:


Once the app opens, click the charts tab to view the new custom “hello_world” chart.

Again, see the Custom Workflows vignette

details and more complex examples.

Written by Jeremy Wildfire on January 22, 2020