This drop-down menu is used to filter the lab variable that is displayed in the chart. The default measure is set to the first variable in the data set, but the default value can be adjusted to any measure upon the project team's request. Users can select any pre-defined measure in this filter. Selecting a measure will display the range of the measure and the number of observations collected for this variable.
The chart can be configured to have any number of data filters. Each specified filter has a drop-down menu that is used to filter the visit data that is displayed in the chart.
Displayed under the header, this statement provides the total number of participants in the data set in integers as well as the percentage of participants shown to one decimal place. In the default view, all participant data is included in the chart, or 100%, unless the project team requests otherwise. When filters are used, the data shown in the histogram is manipulated and the number of participant records shown at the top of the page may increase or decrease, depending on the variable selected.
This feature highlights the normal ranges for the selected measure by displaying a gray rectangle behind the data. This rectangle represents the normal range for that measure and data that falls within the upper and lower limits of the range contains records of participants who are associated with results that are considered normal. Normal ranges are not shown by default , but the option can be activated by checking the normal ranges check box above the chart. If the data does not cite a normal range for a measure, the option to activate the normal range function is not available and the checkbox disappears.
Users are able to adjust the lower limit of the x-axis by manipulating the input within the Lower Limit box. Users are able to adjust the upper limit of the x-axis by manipulating the input within the Upper Limit box. Each limit box has up and down arrows to adjust the value of the box by 1. Users can select an arrow to change the input or delete the current value in the box and type in a new value. When typing in a value, users must click outside of the box to apply the changes. When a user manipulates an x-axis limit, the x-axis on the chart below the controls will reflect the change.
Users can change the upper and lower x-axis limits back to the default values for a measure by selecting the "Reset Limits" button. Pressing the button will erase the current values in the upper and lower limit boxes and replace them with defaults. The chart below will also reflect the changes and will show the default axes.
By moving a mouse cursor over a bar in the chart, users can display metadata for some variables. Hovering the cursor over a particular bar will display the number of records for the measure in that bar's range in a statement below the chart.
Clicking on a bar in the chart will open a table below the chart that contains a detailed listing of participant records. This linked table contains a standard set of default columns that appear consistently across all filters. When a bar is clicked the other available bars lighten, the table header defines the data included in the table, and the records appear in a table below the chart. When a user clicks outside of a bar, the detailed table disappears and the table header will prompt the user to "Click a bar for details."
Clicking on a bar will perform 3 actions:
(use these test notes for the following 4 tests and make sure the version is dev-v2.5.0 TEST NOTES)
(Use these test notes for the following 2 tests and make sure the version is dev-v2.5.0 TEST NOTES)
(Use these test notes for the following 5 tests and make sure the version is dev-v2.5.0 TEST NOTES
(Use these test notes for the following 9 tests and make sure the version is dev-v2.5.0 TEST NOTES
(Use this setting for the following test and make sure the version is dev-v2.5.0 TEST NOTES
(Use these test notes for the following 2 tests and make sure the version is dev-v2.5.0 TEST NOTES )
(Use this setting for the following test and make sure the version is dev-v2.5.0 TEST NOTES )
(Use these settings for the following 2 tests and make sure the version is dev-v2.5.0 TEST NOTES )
Data Listing
The Safety Histogram accepts JSON data of the format returned by d3.csv()
. The renderer visualizes clinical medical signs data with one row per measurement plus the required variables specified below.
one record per measurement
required and optional variables:
Setting | Default | Data Type | Description | Required? |
measure_col |
TEST | character | a variable that contains the names of each medical sign | Yes |
value_col |
STRESN | numeric | a variable that contains the results for each medical sign; non-numeric results are removed with a notification thrown to the log | Yes |
id_col |
USUBJID | character | a variable that contains IDs for each participant | |
unit_col |
STRESU | character | a variable that contains the units of each medical sign | |
normal_col_low |
STNRLO | numeric | a variable that contains the lower limit of normal of the medical sign | |
normal_col_high |
STNRHI | numeric | a variable that contains the upper limit of normal of the medical sign | |
filters[] |
either | an array of variables and metadata that will appear in the controls as data filters | ||
details[] |
either | an array of variables and metadata that will appear in the data listing |
The following data specs and chart settings can be used to create a chart with several custom filters, including Sex, Race and Query Status. A sample chart using this configuration is found here.
Settings Variable | Variable | Default | Required? |
id_col | Participant ID | USUBJID | Y |
measure_col | Measure | TEST | Y |
value_col | Value | STRESN | Y |
unit_col | Unit | STRESU | |
normalcollow | Normal Range - Low | STRNLO | |
normalcolhigh | Normal Range - High | STRNHI | |
filter | Visit | VISIT | Y |
filter | Site ID | SITEID | Y |
filter | Treatment Arm | ARM | Y |
filter | Sex | SEX | Y |
filter | Race | RACE | Y |
filter | Query Flag ("Y" for yes) | QUERYFL | Y |
details | Query Details | QUERYDETAILS | Y |
[ {value_col: 'VISIT', label: 'Visit'},
, {value_col: 'ARM', label: 'Arm'}
, {value_col: 'SITEID', label: 'Site ID'}
, {value_col: 'SEX', label: 'Sex'}
, {value_col: 'RACE', label: 'Race'}
, {value_col: 'QUERYFL', label: 'Open Query?'}]
,details: [
{value_col: 'USUBJID' , label: 'Subject ID'},
{value_col: 'SITEID' , label: 'Site ID' },
{value_col: 'SEX' , label: 'Sex' },
{value_col: 'RACE' , label: 'Race' },
{value_col: 'VISIT' , label: 'Visit' },
{value_col: 'DY' , label: 'Study Day' },
{value_col: 'STNRLO' , label: 'LLN' },
{value_col: 'STRESN' , label: 'Result'},
{value_col: 'STNRHI' , label: 'ULN' },
{value_col: 'STRESU' , label: 'Units' },
{value_col: 'QUERYDETAILS', label: 'Query Details'}]
a factory to create a custom Webcharts chart object
returns: chart
Param | Type | Description |
element | string |
CSS selector identifying the element in which to create the chart |
settings | object |
settings object specifying options for how the chart is to appear and behave. Options defined here overwrite default values; see Configuration |
The most straightforward way to customize the Safety Histogram is by using a configuration object whose properties describe the behavior and appearance of the chart. Since the Safety Histogram is a Webcharts chart
object, many default Webcharts settings are set in the webchartsSettings.js file as described below. Refer to the Webcharts documentation for more details on these settings.
In addition to the standard Webcharts settings several custom settings not available in the base Webcharts library have been added to the Safety Histogram to facilitate data mapping and other custom functionality. These custom settings are described in detail below. All defaults can be overwritten by users.
The sections below describe each safety-histogram setting as of version 2.3.0.
a variable that contains the names of each medical sign
default: "TEST"
a variable that contains the results for each medical sign; non-numeric results are removed with a notification thrown to the log
default: "STRESN"
a variable that contains IDs for each participant
default: "USUBJID"
a variable that contains the units of each medical sign
default: "STRESU"
a variable that contains the lower limit of normal of the medical sign
default: "STNRLO"
a variable that contains the upper limit of normal of the medical sign
default: "STNRHI"
an array of variables and metadata that will appear in the controls as data filters
default: none
a description of the variable
default: none
the name of the variable
default: none
an array of variables and metadata that will appear in the data listing
default: none
a description of the variable
default: none
the name of the variable
default: none
the name of the initially displayed medical sign; defaults to the first measure in the data
default: none
a boolean that dictates whether the normal range control will be generated
default: true
a boolean that dictates whether the normal range will be displayed initially
default: false
The object below contains Webcharts settings that define the safety-histogram chart as of version 2.3.0 of the Safety Histogram.
"x": {
"type": "linear",
"column": null,
"label": null,
"domain": [
"format": null,
"bin": null
"y": {
"type": "linear",
"column": null,
"label": "# of Observations",
"domain": [
"format": "1d",
"behavior": "flex"
"marks": [
"per": [],
"type": "bar",
"summarizeY": "count",
"summarizeX": "mean",
"attributes": {
"fill-opacity": 0.75
"aspect": 3
PullRequest | Requester | DateRequested | Branch | Target | Title | ReviewID | Reviewer | ReviewDate | ReviewStatus | MergedBy | DateMerged | ReviewComments |
0001 | jwildfire | 2016-04-13T19:51:18Z | reorg | master | refactored code to use webcharts-wrapper-boilerplate | NONE | jwildfire | 2016-04-18T13:17:13Z | ||||
0019 | jwildfire | 2016-05-25T19:50:51Z | reorg-backup | master | Reorg backup | NONE | Nathan Bryant | 2016-06-08T15:24:30Z | ||||
0021 | samussiah | 2016-08-11T22:27:34Z | customization | master | V1.3.0 | NONE | Spencer | 2016-08-17T18:44:33Z | ||||
0032 | jwildfire | 2016-12-16T01:36:36Z | header_bug | v1.3.0 | clear the header in onDataTransform | NONE | jwildfire | 2017-01-05T16:45:25Z | ||||
0033 | jwildfire | 2016-12-17T15:53:47Z | v1.3.0_part2 | master | Safety Historgram v1.3.0 - Part 2 | NONE | jwildfire | |||||
0034 | jwildfire | 2016-12-17T16:12:36Z | v1.3.0 | master | Safety Histogram v2.0.0 | NONE | jwildfire | 2017-02-16T16:41:23Z | ||||
0035 | jwildfire | 2017-01-03T23:57:35Z | new-filter-default | v1.3.0 | New filter default | NONE | jwildfire | 2017-01-05T23:59:20Z | ||||
0036 | jwildfire | 2017-01-05T00:25:05Z | chf-build-fix | v1.3.0 | Chf build fix | NONE | jwildfire | 2017-01-09T19:10:59Z | ||||
0039 | samussiah | 2017-01-19T21:37:36Z | normal-range-bug | v1.3.0 | Normal range bug | NONE | Spencer Childress | 2017-01-19T21:37:47Z | ||||
0041 | samussiah | 2017-01-30T20:49:35Z | dynamic-normal-range-control | v1.3.0 | Dynamic normal range control | NONE | Spencer Childress | 2017-01-30T20:52:54Z | ||||
0042 | samussiah | 2017-02-10T22:27:02Z | consistent-axes | v1.3.0 | Implement filter-independent x-axis domain and improve normal range l… | 21565542 | jwildfire | 2017-02-13T17:53:26Z | COMMENTED | jwildfire | 2017-02-13T22:40:53Z | #38 is looking good. ;; x-axis (#22) still seems to be changing for me on filter though. Will look at that more closely in a bit. ;;I'll take your word for it that this works ;);;cute. |
0042 | samussiah | 2017-02-10T22:27:02Z | consistent-axes | v1.3.0 | Implement filter-independent x-axis domain and improve normal range l… | 21584782 | jwildfire | 2017-02-13T18:54:57Z | COMMENTED | jwildfire | 2017-02-13T22:40:53Z | Don't think having this on pre-process is enough. Will only happen once ... maybe if we move to redraw()? Leaning towards just bumping #22 out of v2.0.0. It's pretty low priority for the histogram IMO. |
0042 | samussiah | 2017-02-10T22:27:02Z | consistent-axes | v1.3.0 | Implement filter-independent x-axis domain and improve normal range l… | 21634665 | jwildfire | 2017-02-13T22:39:58Z | COMMENTED | jwildfire | 2017-02-13T22:40:53Z | lets deal with this in v2.1. merging the PR. |
0044 | jwildfire | 2017-02-16T22:50:27Z | detail_colBug | master | use details.col | NONE | jwildfire | 2017-02-16T22:51:01Z | ||||
0046 | jwildfire | 2017-03-07T02:16:40Z | v2.0.1 | master | Don't render filters for variables with 0 or 1 levels. closes #45 | 25649470 | samussiah | 2017-03-07T22:26:57Z | APPROVED | jwildfire | 2017-03-13T23:37:33Z | Brilliant! |
0050 | jwildfire | 2017-10-12T17:58:28Z | v2.0.2-dev | master | v2.0.2 dev branch | NONE | jwildfire | |||||
0051 | jwildfire | 2017-10-12T17:59:13Z | pagination-fix | v2.0.2-dev | fix pagination bug. fixes #49 | NONE | jwildfire | |||||
0057 | samussiah | 2017-10-19T22:27:38Z | v2.0.3-dev | master | V2.0.3 dev | 70728950 | jwildfire | 2017-10-20T02:07:23Z | APPROVED | jwildfire | 2017-10-20T02:11:59Z | |
0063 | mhickle | 2017-12-18T19:41:01Z | ReadMe | master | Read me | NONE | mhickle | 2017-12-18T19:42:49Z | ||||
0065 | jwildfire | 2018-01-18T03:44:43Z | v2.1.0-dev | master | Safety Histogram v2.1.0 | 90620700 | dschwentker | 2018-01-22T20:49:30Z | APPROVED | jwildfire | 2018-01-23T05:22:55Z | Regression tests updated and passed. |
0066 | jwildfire | 2018-01-18T03:45:38Z | interactive-axis | v2.1.0-dev | Interactive Axis | 90155085 | samussiah | 2018-01-19T15:59:31Z | CHANGES_REQUESTED | jwildfire | 2018-01-23T05:19:41Z | Works (mostly) as expected, responsive, but there are a few elusive bugs. Of note when the domain is changed the lower bound of the very first bin is less than the lower limit of the x-domain. Not sure if that's the renderer or webcharts but as I recall we had to come up with a workaround before for this.;;Bitwise `&` here too.;;Need to convert `f[v]` to numeric here and perhaps replace the bitwise `&` with the standard `&&`.;;Possibly also ensure that `chart.x_dom` contains numbers rather than strings.;;Convert these values to numeric. |
0066 | jwildfire | 2018-01-18T03:45:38Z | interactive-axis | v2.1.0-dev | Interactive Axis | 90206449 | jwildfire | 2018-01-19T18:43:15Z | COMMENTED | jwildfire | 2018-01-23T05:19:41Z | 👍 on filter logic. I think we're ok on `x_dom` being numeric since we measures that aren't numeric. |
0066 | jwildfire | 2018-01-18T03:45:38Z | interactive-axis | v2.1.0-dev | Interactive Axis | 90219942 | samussiah | 2018-01-19T19:29:43Z | APPROVED | jwildfire | 2018-01-23T05:19:41Z | Perfect! |
0066 | jwildfire | 2018-01-18T03:45:38Z | interactive-axis | v2.1.0-dev | Interactive Axis | 90620495 | dschwentker | 2018-01-22T20:48:50Z | APPROVED | jwildfire | 2018-01-23T05:19:41Z | Issue 59 was tested and closed and was the only issue to be tested in this update. |
0069 | samussiah | 2018-02-27T14:56:51Z | v2.1.1-dev | master | Safety Histogram - v2.1.1 | 99866186 | pburnsdata | 2018-02-27T21:41:48Z | CHANGES_REQUESTED | samussiah | 2018-03-09T20:26:09Z | The version wasn't changed in package.json, wasn't sure if it needed to be? |
0069 | samussiah | 2018-02-27T14:56:51Z | v2.1.1-dev | master | Safety Histogram - v2.1.1 | 102645010 | pburnsdata | 2018-03-09T13:31:26Z | APPROVED | samussiah | 2018-03-09T20:26:09Z | |
0069 | samussiah | 2018-02-27T14:56:51Z | v2.1.1-dev | master | Safety Histogram - v2.1.1 | 102769245 | dschwentker | 2018-03-09T19:53:19Z | APPROVED | samussiah | 2018-03-09T20:26:09Z | Tested and passed using webcharts version v1.10.0-dev. Confirmed that there are 0 results when running d3.selectAll('.wc-controls .control-label') in the console. |
0071 | samussiah | 2018-03-08T22:55:40Z | v2.2.0-dev | master | Safety Histogram - v2.2.0 | 112849276 | dschwentker | 2018-04-17T14:57:35Z | APPROVED | samussiah | 2018-04-17T16:01:24Z | Regression testing complete - all items passed. |
0072 | samussiah | 2018-03-10T16:57:30Z | settings-schema | v2.2.0-dev | Settings schema | 103051720 | pburnsdata | 2018-03-12T13:56:28Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2018-04-02T18:38:37Z | |
0072 | samussiah | 2018-03-10T16:57:30Z | settings-schema | v2.2.0-dev | Settings schema | 108176648 | dschwentker | 2018-03-29T19:32:37Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2018-04-02T18:38:37Z | Confirmed there are properties in settings-schema.json that match up with variables in the rendererSpecificSettings section of src/defaultSettings.js. |
0073 | samussiah | 2018-03-10T17:38:23Z | remove-falsey-results | v2.2.0-dev | Remove falsey results | 103061644 | pburnsdata | 2018-03-12T14:20:00Z | COMMENTED | Spencer Childress | 2018-04-02T18:38:59Z | Respect for Grammar |
0073 | samussiah | 2018-03-10T17:38:23Z | remove-falsey-results | v2.2.0-dev | Remove falsey results | 103062532 | pburnsdata | 2018-03-12T14:22:05Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2018-04-02T18:38:59Z | |
0073 | samussiah | 2018-03-10T17:38:23Z | remove-falsey-results | v2.2.0-dev | Remove falsey results | 108351888 | dschwentker | 2018-03-30T15:01:48Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2018-04-02T18:38:59Z | Tested and approved |
0075 | samussiah | 2018-03-16T15:53:20Z | precision | v2.2.0-dev | Precision | 105101450 | pburnsdata | 2018-03-19T19:12:31Z | APPROVED | emmorris | 2018-04-05T15:51:52Z | @samussiah I really like this! log10 makes that switch from the ticks to bins really nice. Here are my random thoughts for what they're worth:;; - If the numbers are ever really large (not sure if that ever happens), might make sense to have a case that handles that - maybe one that uses scientific notation? ;; - ~3.16 does seem like a small threshold for switching to integer tick marks - but understand why it's cut off there |
0075 | samussiah | 2018-03-16T15:53:20Z | precision | v2.2.0-dev | Precision | 109417877 | dschwentker | 2018-04-04T17:07:38Z | APPROVED | emmorris | 2018-04-05T15:51:52Z | Tested and passed in all browsers. |
0082 | pburnsdata | 2018-04-26T16:56:31Z | fix-readme | master | Fix readme | NONE | Preston Burns | |||||
0083 | brittsikora | 2018-04-26T17:11:17Z | brittsikora-patch-1 | master | Updated example link to go to new test page | NONE | Britt Sikora | |||||
0086 | rtbailey | 2018-08-09T19:38:03Z | rtbailey-patch-1 | master | Update | NONE | Ryan Bailey | |||||
0087 | samussiah | 2018-10-23T18:56:05Z | v2.2.1-dev | master | Safety Histogram v2.2.1 | 167731423 | jwildfire | 2018-10-24T05:09:13Z | APPROVED | jwildfire | 2018-10-24T15:53:43Z | 💯 |
0088 | jwildfire | 2018-10-24T16:17:05Z | v2.2.2-dev | master | Safety Histogram v2.2.2 | 168004078 | samussiah | 2018-10-24T16:30:19Z | APPROVED | jwildfire | 2018-10-24T16:30:49Z | nice find! |
0090 | pburnsdata | 2019-01-08T21:11:50Z | pburnsdata-patch-1 | master | Resolve Spelling Error | 211847806 | emmorris | 2019-03-07T15:29:01Z | APPROVED | Preston Burns | 2019-03-07T18:56:27Z | Great spelling Preston! |
0094 | samussiah | 2019-03-18T21:18:10Z | dev-v2.3.0 | master | Safety Histogram v2.3.0 | 229670422 | dschwentker | 2019-04-23T16:45:43Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-23T18:06:13Z | Regression tests passed in Firefox and Chrome |
0096 | samussiah | 2019-04-02T16:15:05Z | invalid-measure | dev-v2.3.0 | Optionalize units, throw warning when start measure is invalid, and annotate removed records | 223913673 | pburnsdata | 2019-04-08T15:22:35Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:14:49Z | Looks great! Couple bonus improvements in there too;;makes perfect sense;;Seems like all the cases!;;i like this |
0096 | samussiah | 2019-04-02T16:15:05Z | invalid-measure | dev-v2.3.0 | Optionalize units, throw warning when start measure is invalid, and annotate removed records | 228818200 | dschwentker | 2019-04-19T20:32:13Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:14:49Z | Tested and passed the three issues in this PR. |
0097 | samussiah | 2019-04-02T21:04:23Z | improved-hovering | dev-v2.3.0 | Improve hovering over bins. | 223937012 | pburnsdata | 2019-04-08T15:58:51Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:14:55Z | Hovers on incredible - clicks all the right buttons;;looks nice;;oh wow interesting. Good idea on the invisible path;;always handy |
0097 | samussiah | 2019-04-02T21:04:23Z | improved-hovering | dev-v2.3.0 | Improve hovering over bins. | 228820276 | dschwentker | 2019-04-19T20:40:04Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:14:55Z | Tested and approved |
0098 | samussiah | 2019-04-03T18:30:31Z | zero-range-bars | dev-v2.3.0 | Manually draw zero range bars. | 224046202 | pburnsdata | 2019-04-08T19:38:32Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:15:06Z | Excellent. From garganto bars to lil bars. Makes sense to me : lil ranges -> lil bars |
0098 | samussiah | 2019-04-03T18:30:31Z | zero-range-bars | dev-v2.3.0 | Manually draw zero range bars. | 228831074 | dschwentker | 2019-04-19T21:23:56Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:15:06Z | Tested and approved |
0102 | samussiah | 2019-04-05T19:15:41Z | better-bins | dev-v2.3.0 | Add bin width algorithm. | 224056911 | pburnsdata | 2019-04-08T20:22:44Z | CHANGES_REQUESTED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:15:57Z | THIS IS SOME FANCY STUFF BIG MAN. Requested changes tho cuz i think the normal range needs to stay on top of the hover bars in the SVG so the tooltips dont get lost;;whers dis tooltip;;yeuuuh fancy fancy;;i like this;;I don't see these - it looks like the hover bars are on top of them in the SVG ;;credit - good man |
0102 | samussiah | 2019-04-05T19:15:41Z | better-bins | dev-v2.3.0 | Add bin width algorithm. | 225116337 | pburnsdata | 2019-04-10T17:34:16Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:15:57Z | |
0102 | samussiah | 2019-04-05T19:15:41Z | better-bins | dev-v2.3.0 | Add bin width algorithm. | 228836761 | dschwentker | 2019-04-19T21:49:59Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:15:57Z | Tested and approved |
0103 | samussiah | 2019-04-05T19:40:36Z | zoom-button | dev-v2.3.0 | Add button that sets x-domain to extent of filtered data. | 224397745 | pburnsdata | 2019-04-09T13:24:46Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:16:04Z | that's a cool feature - great idea;;@samussiah is this using jsdelivr or does it even matter? |
0103 | samussiah | 2019-04-05T19:40:36Z | zoom-button | dev-v2.3.0 | Add button that sets x-domain to extent of filtered data. | 224480090 | samussiah | 2019-04-09T15:25:32Z | COMMENTED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:16:04Z | text files like our test data can be served up straight from GitHub, no middleman required |
0103 | samussiah | 2019-04-05T19:40:36Z | zoom-button | dev-v2.3.0 | Add button that sets x-domain to extent of filtered data. | 228835606 | dschwentker | 2019-04-19T21:44:14Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:16:04Z | Tested/approved |
0104 | samussiah | 2019-04-07T17:19:18Z | x-axis-tick-labels | dev-v2.3.0 | Annotate bin boundaries and ditch x-axis. | 225118715 | pburnsdata | 2019-04-10T17:45:03Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:16:10Z | @samussiah This looks great to me - major upgrade.;; ;; Two random thoughts:;; - might lose labels if theres two empty bars next to each other;; - the new x axis tick label fonts are a lil bigger than the y axis labels but not sure that really matters;; ;; Approving this because those two don't seem like problems to me - but thought I'd raise them to your attention incase they did to you;;This looks great - big improvement I think;;smart |
0104 | samussiah | 2019-04-07T17:19:18Z | x-axis-tick-labels | dev-v2.3.0 | Annotate bin boundaries and ditch x-axis. | 228837616 | dschwentker | 2019-04-19T21:53:52Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:16:10Z | Tested and approved |
0107 | samussiah | 2019-04-09T18:09:00Z | read-me-wiki | dev-v2.3.0 | Update README and wiki. | 225128080 | pburnsdata | 2019-04-10T18:11:07Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | Coolio - knocking out a bunch of issues here;;wow this is really high quality;;makes perfect sense;;@samussiah does this (destroying the listing) not happen on destroy? | |
0107 | samussiah | 2019-04-09T18:09:00Z | read-me-wiki | dev-v2.3.0 | Update README and wiki. | 225195087 | samussiah | 2019-04-10T20:19:51Z | COMMENTED | Spencer Childress | yep, good catch. i'll throw a fix in. | |
0107 | samussiah | 2019-04-09T18:09:00Z | read-me-wiki | dev-v2.3.0 | Update README and wiki. | 228706484 | dschwentker | 2019-04-19T14:17:58Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | Tested and approved | |
0109 | samussiah | 2019-04-09T20:11:36Z | normal-range-tooltips | dev-v2.3.0 | Normal range tooltips | 225690622 | pburnsdata | 2019-04-11T17:50:53Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:16:16Z | Perfect! Good idea to simply move it to control |
0109 | samussiah | 2019-04-09T20:11:36Z | normal-range-tooltips | dev-v2.3.0 | Normal range tooltips | 228730412 | dschwentker | 2019-04-19T15:30:45Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:16:16Z | Tested and approved |
0112 | jwildfire | 2019-04-19T19:05:18Z | dev-v2.2.3 | master | dev-v2.2.3 | 229149295 | samussiah | 2019-04-22T17:12:15Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-04-22T17:12:19Z | |
0114 | samussiah | 2019-05-10T21:08:08Z | dev-v2.3.1 | master | Safety Histogram v2.3.1 | 237011420 | jwildfire | 2019-05-14T04:04:02Z | CHANGES_REQUESTED | Spencer Childress | 2019-06-13T15:59:40Z | Let's chat tomorrow. I suggested a few minor tweaks in comments, and want to discuss whether it makes sense to set the y-axis (along with the x-) for each measure. ;; ;; Also - getting an error when i change a range value and then click zoom (works fine if i hit enter). ;;```suggestion;; "webcharts": "^1.11.6";; ```;;Also need to update package version above. I think I'd call this a technical fix (not a new feature), so I'd probably go with v2.3.1 ... ;;Want to add a binType option (or just delete the 2nd method)?;;Not reviewing this right now ... can dig in later if you decide to keep it in. ;;Are we using all 3 sets of bin widths? ;;Good comments - very helpful. ;;what's this doing? |
0114 | samussiah | 2019-05-10T21:08:08Z | dev-v2.3.1 | master | Safety Histogram v2.3.1 | 237460824 | jwildfire | 2019-05-14T19:42:05Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-06-13T15:59:40Z | |
0114 | samussiah | 2019-05-10T21:08:08Z | dev-v2.3.1 | master | Safety Histogram v2.3.1 | 248993643 | danedexF5 | 2019-06-12T20:16:03Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-06-13T15:59:40Z | Approved |
0120 | samussiah | 2019-06-03T15:35:36Z | dev-v2.4.0 | master | Safety Histogram v2.4.0 | 259675149 | danedexF5 | 2019-07-09T18:13:22Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-07-09T19:01:39Z | I approve |
0121 | samussiah | 2019-06-03T16:36:11Z | bins-control | dev-v2.4.0 | add bins control | 246152880 | jwildfire | 2019-06-05T17:33:08Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-06-18T19:54:41Z | Looks good!;; ;; Might be good to coerce bin count in the control to an integer with Math.ceil (since that seems to be what happens behind the scenes regardless) |
0121 | samussiah | 2019-06-03T16:36:11Z | bins-control | dev-v2.4.0 | add bins control | 251321601 | danedexF5 | 2019-06-18T19:48:28Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-06-18T19:54:41Z | Approved |
0124 | samussiah | 2019-06-03T20:16:12Z | bin-algorithms | dev-v2.4.0 | add binning algorithm control | 246165635 | jwildfire | 2019-06-05T17:56:50Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-06-18T19:54:51Z | Really nice stuff! |
0124 | samussiah | 2019-06-03T20:16:12Z | bin-algorithms | dev-v2.4.0 | add binning algorithm control | 251321414 | danedexF5 | 2019-06-18T19:48:06Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-06-18T19:54:51Z | Approved |
0125 | samussiah | 2019-06-03T20:42:02Z | updated-footnote | dev-v2.4.0 | update bar details footnote | 246173913 | jwildfire | 2019-06-05T18:12:36Z | CHANGES_REQUESTED | Spencer Childress | 2019-06-18T19:55:03Z | As discussed, there is a small bug. When the user (1) clicks bar #1 (with N=100), (2) mouses over a different bar #2 (with n=200) and (3) mouses out of bar #2. The footnote incorrectly says that Bar #1 has N=200. |
0125 | samussiah | 2019-06-03T20:42:02Z | updated-footnote | dev-v2.4.0 | update bar details footnote | 246185877 | jwildfire | 2019-06-05T18:35:27Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-06-18T19:55:03Z | |
0125 | samussiah | 2019-06-03T20:42:02Z | updated-footnote | dev-v2.4.0 | update bar details footnote | 251321216 | danedexF5 | 2019-06-18T19:47:43Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-06-18T19:55:03Z | Approved |
0126 | samussiah | 2019-06-03T21:10:09Z | overlapping-bin-boundaries | dev-v2.4.0 | thin x-axis tick labels | 246177387 | jwildfire | 2019-06-05T18:19:43Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-06-18T19:55:12Z | Working well for me. 👍 ;;Clever! |
0126 | samussiah | 2019-06-03T21:10:09Z | overlapping-bin-boundaries | dev-v2.4.0 | thin x-axis tick labels | 251321033 | danedexF5 | 2019-06-18T19:47:22Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-06-18T19:55:12Z | Approved |
0128 | samussiah | 2019-06-04T14:58:50Z | linear-x-axis | dev-v2.4.0 | add option for linear x-axis instead of bin boundaries | 246185632 | jwildfire | 2019-06-05T18:34:57Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-06-18T19:55:19Z | Looks great. ;; ;; Let's add a control to toggle between "continuous" and "bin boundaries" for the x-axis type. |
0128 | samussiah | 2019-06-04T14:58:50Z | linear-x-axis | dev-v2.4.0 | add option for linear x-axis instead of bin boundaries | 251320786 | danedexF5 | 2019-06-18T19:46:53Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-06-18T19:55:19Z | Approved |
0130 | samussiah | 2019-06-05T21:44:24Z | axis-toggle | dev-v2.4.0 | add x-axis tick display toggle | 246516579 | jwildfire | 2019-06-06T11:43:47Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-06-18T19:55:27Z | 👍 |
0130 | samussiah | 2019-06-05T21:44:24Z | axis-toggle | dev-v2.4.0 | add x-axis tick display toggle | 251320416 | danedexF5 | 2019-06-18T19:46:11Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-06-18T19:55:27Z | Approved |
0131 | dependabot[bot] | 2019-07-12T04:15:53Z | dependabot/npm_and_yarn/lodash-4.17.14 | master | Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.14 | 261296212 | samussiah | 2019-07-12T14:36:38Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-07-12T14:37:17Z | |
0134 | jwildfire | 2019-08-20T18:10:43Z | dev-v2.5.0 | master | Safety Histogram v2.5.0 | 334674929 | danedexF5 | 2019-12-19T14:39:31Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2020-01-20T22:15:07Z | |
0134 | jwildfire | 2019-08-20T18:10:43Z | dev-v2.5.0 | master | Safety Histogram v2.5.0 | 345542482 | danedexF5 | 2020-01-20T21:38:41Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2020-01-20T22:15:07Z | Approved |
0136 | pburnsdata | 2019-10-02T14:20:30Z | dev-v2.4.1 | master | move table styling to onLayout | 296352307 | jwildfire | 2019-10-02T16:03:11Z | APPROVED | jwildfire | 2019-10-02T16:07:10Z | |
0140 | samussiah | 2019-11-26T20:09:12Z | group-comparisons | dev-v2.5.0 | group comparisons | 327551908 | jwildfire | 2019-12-05T15:36:57Z | APPROVED | Spencer Childress | 2019-12-17T18:13:19Z | Really nice!;;Shall we just drop this for now? ;;Capital D in "highlighteD" intentional? ;;Looks consistent at least, so nbd. ;;slick!;;Also need to deselect bars in the main chart here. see #143 ;;Really nice. ;;👍 ;;Nice touch;;General note: I understand the need for the js-based css, but I've never liked using this crazy array of quoted strings. ;; ;; There must be a way we can save this as an actual css file and then write a script as part of the build to convert it to an object and then load it like we do at the bottom of this file. |
0140 | samussiah | 2019-11-26T20:09:12Z | group-comparisons | dev-v2.5.0 | group comparisons | 327732380 | samussiah | 2019-12-05T17:41:08Z | COMMENTED | Spencer Childress | 2019-12-17T18:13:19Z | maybe this package: |